Thursday 9 July 2015

Colouring Craze

There's a new trend that seems to be taking over the UK..... colouring books. Colouring books for ADULTS. From Waterstones, to Amazon, they are being sold everywhere! I decided to buy one for myself to see what all the craze was about, and I was not in the least disappointed.

As a child, colouring books would be considered an activity to do for fun. I would often curl up on my rocking chair, with a varied range of colouring pencils on my lap and be excited to make a pretty picture. As I grew older, I would still curl up on my rocking chair, however the colouring pencils were traded in for a laptop, and my pleasures were directed at social networking sites, and netfilx.

Society has always encouraged the belief that colouring in a picture/drawing, is an activity solely for children and our source of excitement naturally changes as we grow older. However, this new colouring book trend challenges this notion. I agree that our pleasures change as years pass us, but who said you can't gain a different sort of pleasure from the same activity? As a child, my pleasure was gained from wanting a picture to look pretty based on the colours I chose. Now, colouring in has provided me with a new purpose. The purpose is to de-stress and relax. I have discovered that colouring-in is simply a different form of meditation. 

I recently finished my university exams, and it was a very stressful time for me. This can be reflected in the amount of empty cookie packets left around my table! My new colouring-in book has provided me with a therapeutic activity that allows me to be at peace, and enjoy the little summer England has left! 

If you lead a stressful life or you're just simply bored, I would highly recommend getting yourself an adult colouring book!

Sonia x

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